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coach of people and teams, ministry leader and starter of business


Leadership Doesn't Happen Until Someone Takes Action

Everything rises or falls on leadership. Most problems can be traced to a lack of competent leadership.

Questions Good Coaches Ask

A good coaching strategy involves asking questions to (1) discover goals, (2) address issues, (3) determine actions, and (4) celebrate results.

How A Good Leader Organizes

1. Simplify
2. Participate
3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

What Makes YouA Leader?

Look over your shoulder and see if anyone is following. Leadership has absolutely nothing to do with titles or position. It has to do with influence.

What Leaders say

  • Vision is an essential, God given directive not reserved just for churches, businesses and other organizations, but for your life! Jeff Calloway clearly communicates the dangers that clutter, specifically spiritual clutter can have on God’s vision for your life if not dealt with immediately.

    Fred Luter
    Former President, Southen Baptist Convention
    Senior Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church

  • “Refreshing, challenging, and transformative, Jeff Calloway invites us on an inspirational journey to clearly seeing God’s blessings, with practical, realistic advice.”

    Catherine Galasso-Vigorito
    National Columnist and Author

  • Jeff Calloway takes us on a journey, a journey of walking towards God’s will and purpose for our lives. Jeff calls us to faithfully hear God’s call for our lives, and then to give ourselves to the pursuit of that call. Acknowledging the barriers that will come, Jeff helps us to keep our eyes fixed on the goal, and to commit ourselves to God’s purposes above everything else. Read this if you want to be challenged to pursue the vision, or call, that God has purposed for your life.”

    Micah Fries

  • “A lot of people have ideas. Some have dreams. But few know how to take a vision from God and make it a reality that changes lives. In this new book¸ Jeff Calloway has given us the handles and the motivation we need to align our vision with God’s vision for His glory.”

    Tim Stevens
    Founder, LeadingSmart.com 

  • “Books on vision are a dime a dozen but few will contain the ideas of hard work, personal holiness or a quote from the Wizard of Oz’s Cowardly Lion (Yes, courage is key to vision.) I loved this reminder “We do what we do for the glory of someone.” His glory must be the goal. Thank you Jeff Calloway, you’ve given us practical ideas seated in spiritual realities. Provoking words that have stirred my heart towards my more radical life of vision.”

    Kathy Ferguson
    Director of Flourish

  • “Jeff Calloway writes from experience in the corporate world, as a pastor, and as a church planter. Though your journey is unique to his, clarity of vision is essential for all of us. Feeling stuck? Jeff's new book will inspire you to take your next step to embrace and pursue God’s vision for your life.”

    Tony Morgan
    Founder of The Unstuck Group

Recent Posts

My musings, thoughts and scribblings on things that matter to me
How To Write Effective Blog Posts

  I consider myself a Missionary Writer. I began writing in 2004 with a blog titled, “The Southern Scribe.” Even though I was an early adopter in the Christian blogging world, as time went on, I doubted that blogging was here to stay. Due to my time constraints, I gave up blogging. On occasion I […]

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You've Got Mail! - Ridding Yourself Of Distractions

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Self Publishing The Book Inside Of You

[callout]Would You Be Willing To Help Me? If you are a writer, blogger or a wannabe, I am doing one-on-one Skype calls March  14th, 15th and 18th to help gain insight on writing a course on self publishing your book. I want to learn about you and where you are at right now in your writing/publishing […]

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Someone Is Waiting On You To Start A Movement

Back in October 2011, my wife Julie and I were in New York City during the time of the Occupy Wall Street protests to attend a conference on ministering to immigrants that are arriving daily in the United States.  While walking through the area around Wall Street in Manhattan, I came across the guy above […]

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Why You're Spending More Money Than You Have

According to nerdwallet.com in 2016, "Today, the average household with credit card debt has balances totaling $16,061."  That is a staggering picture of people spending money they do not have. Let's take a minute to look at why we are spending money that we don't have?

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What Christianity is NOT

It is absolutely amazing how many wrong ideas there are concerning what it means to be a Christian. It would absolutely astound you, I hope, to hear what many people think makes them a Christian. Let’s look at a few things that some wrongly believe.

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Jeff's Books

Jeff labels himself as a Missionary Writer. What does he mean by being a Missionary Writer? His definition of the type of writer that is outlined in his writing manifesto, Missionary Writing is, "To be a writer that has a message so compelling that I am willing to sacrifice all for the message to be heard."



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Missionary Writing


Ready to up your Leaderhip game?

Jeff is here to help you and your team achieve results

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