Social media is full of white noise of people promoting themselves. Writers promoting books, ministry leaders promoting tools for church growth, singers promoting new releases, churches promoting their church and on and on it goes. Tweets for how to lead your church, how to get more followers, how to make money off your blog. The list is endless. Social media has become a clogged highway of everyone promoting themselves and their newest content that will help you _____________ (fill in the blank). The problem is, I have been pulled into this white noise that seems to get lost on the ears of people who are seeing constant media feeds in Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, and the other numerous social media sites on the web.
What is a Christian to do when it comes to self promotion in a social media, me driven world? As writers and artists we produce content we believe others would benefit from consuming and implementing into their lives, ministries, or business organizations. Is it wrong or sinful for us as Christians to promote ourselves as writers, artists, pastors, and ministry leaders? There seems to be a fine line that we have to walk that keeps some people from promoting themselves and their work. On the flip side, it seems like other believers promote themeselves without shame and almost to the point of being obnoxious.
1. It's Not About You
Rick Warren popularized the statement, "It's not about you" in his best selling book The Purpose Drive Life. Even though we verbalize this thought and half-heartedly believe it, do we live it out when it comes to self promotion? The way you live this out without putting yourself front and center is to focus on other people. When you Tweet, FB or use other social media, always make it about other people, not yourself. Make the focus on God, your spouse and family, other leaders, and people who have made an impact in
your life.
2. Self Promotion Is Not A Sin, But Can Become Sinful
Self promotion in of itself is not a sin, but when all the focus, all the time is about yourself, it becomes sinful. While everyone wants to think they are agents of humility, that rarely is the case. Humility and pride are opposing forces in our lives. We believe that we are not prideful and have humble motives. Motive plays a part in this equation. Why are you promoting yourself? Are you looking to make a living? Wanting to become well known?
God created the creativity that flows from your writing, your voice, your speaking and it can be used to provide for your yourself and family financially. Never should we promote the creative gift we have as ours and claim it as our own. God gave us the gifts we have to be shared with others so they could enjoy and benefit from the content that flows from what we create.
Strive to be humble, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
3. Your Identity Is Not In Success
Our culture promotes success in everything that we attempt to accomplish and there is nothing wrong with being successful. The problem comes when we worship success and our identity is grounded in whether or not we achieve that success. Our identity as followers of Jesus, is in Jesus. We should teach our children and others to be successful, but only for the reason to bring glory to Jesus. Athletes are often criticized for glorifying God when they are successful. What the critics do not understand is that the athlete knows their success is not for themselves but for someone else. Y
If you look here at my website, you see that I promote my writing and other endeavors I undertake. I struggle with self promotion. It probably has to do with one's personality and experiences in life, but I find it distasteful sometimes that I toot my own horn. What about you?